AFL for Plotting Another Script Volume

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AFL for Plotting Another Script Volume

This formula allows you to plot the volume for another ticker on the current price chart.

_SECTION_BEGIN(“Foreign Volume”);

Ticker = ParamStr(“Symbol”, Name());

SetForeign(Ticker, True, True );

Plot( Volume, _DEFAULT_NAME(), IIf( C > O, ParamColor(“Up Color”, colorGreen ), ParamColor(“Down Color”, colorRed ) ), ParamStyle( “Style”, styleArea | styleOwnScale| styleThick, maskHistogram ) );

Title = Name() + ” – ” + Date() + “, “
+” Open=” +WriteVal(O,1.0)+ “, “
+” High=” +WriteVal(H,1.0)+ “, “
+” Low=” +WriteVal(L,1.0)+ “, “
+” Close=” +WriteVal(C,1.0)
+” Volume=” +WriteIf(O>C, EncodeColor(colorRed), EncodeColor(colorGreen)) +WriteVal(V,1.0);



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