How to Calculate Weekly & Monthly MaxPain in single click using MaxPain Calculator Tool?

MarketSecrets is proud to launch version 2 of MaxPain calculation tool for Nifty, BankNifty and all the stocks.
If you need step by step instructions on how to use this tool, watch this video:
You already know NSE is phasing out its old website and the data in the option chain page is not properly updated in the old website. This is especially true for BankNifty. For the last 2 weeks, it was completely down during market hours. So any tool which is accessing the old NSE website is useless.
Also, NSE had developed new website which prevents people from pulling its data easily. That’s why no-one is able to build a good MaxPain tool on the new website so far.
There are some Excel tools available now on the new website too, but you need to feed in cookie data manually almost every day, which is kind of tiring. Also, you need the latest version of Microsoft Office to use those tools.
But with our tool, you can get the MaxPain data in just few seconds, that too without any manual work.
We have built this tool from scratch. You need to pass 2 inputs:
- If you need it for stocks, you need to select “equities” in Cell B1, if you need data for index like Nifty/BankNifty, you need to select “indices” in Cell B1.
- Second input is the Symbol of the stock/index. In this case, it is BankNifty.
Now, click “Find MaxPain” button. Tool will automatically pull the data from NSE website, it will analyse the data and calculate the MaxPain.
You can just change the Symbol name and you can use it for any stock or indices. You can download this tool from our Website, completely free of charge.
In version 2 of this tool, we have done 2 enhancements.
- MaxPain data at Weekly & Monthly levels will be displayed in single click
- Instead of typing, we can select the category & symbols now using a dropdown
To know more about our offerings and services, visit our website.
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Nifty Max Pain Live Data Feed:
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