Tag: How to become a successful trader?

MarketSecrets - Learn To Trade Like a Pro

What is the difference between Process-Driven & Result-Driven traders?

What is the difference between Process-Driven & Result-Driven traders?

There are two types of traders inside everyone.
First type of trader is an Architect, who is disciplined and process-driven.
Second Type of trader is like a rash driver.

What differentiates successful trader from and a failed trader?

What differentiates successful trader from and a failed trader?
A good experienced trader will make a thorough analysis of the situation before jumping in. He might take a look to see where crude oil is on a chart, considering: Is it overbought? How much risk is involved? How much can he hope to make on the trade, and so on? After meeting any criteria he may have, he will next look to time an entry if he has decided to get in. One of the things that make this trader better is that after deciding to buy, but before getting in, he will start to make an exit strategy for the trade. After getting in he will evaluate the trade on a regular basis. Basically, he would have a both a plan of attack and a defensive strategy for the trade, or more precisely he would have a game plan for the trade from start to finish. But a new trader won’t have any plan and won’t follow it if he/she has one.

This Simple, Subtle difference is what differentiates a new trader from an experienced trader. Or you could say, it is the difference between a losing trader and a winning trader.

Why 95% of Traders fail in trading?

Why 95% of Traders fail in trading? Even the most successful in other fields end up losing money when it comes to trading. Do you know why?
Let’s discuss the reasons and how to avoid this in detail in the 2nd episode of our new series – “how to become a successful trader”
• Would you dare catching an alive snake without training?
• Would you dare to fly a jet without mastering how to fly and land it?
• Would you assist a doctor in surgery without you getting an MBBS?
• Would you climb a mountain without training?
• Would you join a bomb disposal squad without mastering how to diffuse a bomb?
But when it comes to trading, we put even our last rupee in trade without learning HOW TO TRADE.
This is the reason 95% traders don’t earn money, because they don’t LEARN before they try to earn.
Trading without training is
• like catching an alive snake without proper training
• like taking off in a jet not knowing how to land
• like performing a surgery without any experience
• like climbing a mountain without a safety rope
• like diffusing a bomb without proper safety gear!
How many of us in our trading career done all this without confidence? I definitely have.
Every day I see traders being
• bitten by the snake
• crash landing or ejecting from the jet
• leaving the patient to die on the operation table
• falling of the mountain cliff
• cutting the wrong wire of the bomb!!!
It took us 1 year to speak our first word, 2 years to take our first step, 16 years of formal education to earn our first salary. BUT, we don’t want to spend even 6 months to LEARN trading.

What is the end result?
80% traders blow their trading accounts and move out of the market in less than 6 months.

Lack of Common sense is the most uncommon thing found in traders. Never trade if you don’t know answer of these questions.
1. Why I am entering this trade? (the system/method/training needed to take a trade)
2. What I would earn out of this trade and by when? (the outcome or expectation)
3. What I am going to do if my trade does not work as expected? (the safety rope/gear)

Why every trader must have a business plan?

How to make a Business plan for trading? We can simply call this as TRADING PLAN.
Trading is like any other business and doing a business without a proper business plan will end in disaster. So hopefully, by now you understand the importance of a trading plan (i.e business plan for trading), so it’s time to start making one. Though a proper trading plan can have anything you feel should go into it, it should account for the following parameters mandatorily.
They are:
• What to trade.
• Trading time frames.
• Condition for Entering a trade.
• Condition for Exiting a trade.
• Condition for Stop placement.
• Positional sizing.
• Money management.
• Risk vs. reward ratio.
• Back testing.
• Periodic Performance review.

TPS E21: Why understanding FEAR is the solution to all your trading problems?

FEAR https://youtu.be/WAkv2G1Ghzw Many times we can sabotage our own trading because of our fears. In many cases, fear is good and helpful in our lives. But in trading, it can really be harmful. Fear helps us avoid things in the environment that we perceive as threatening. It’s important to note that what we perceive as…
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TPS E20: How Greed affects your trading skills?

GREED https://youtu.be/8jwwhSVGd3I It’s so easy to be greedy in this business. It’s easy to think whatever you get, it’s not enough. If you have 200 points profit in a trade, you want 300 points. If you have 300, you want 400. The lack of being satisfied is a big reason why many people have trouble…
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TPS E19: Why Averaging a losing trade can destroy your trading account?

DOUBLING UP: ADDING TO A LOSING POSITION https://youtu.be/l-jtJ3koFX0 As we’ve talked about so far, the most important thing you can do is keep your risk to an absolute minimum. I can’t say it enough. Minimizing your risk is 100 times more important than finding winning trades. (And finding winning trades is important too, so I…
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TPS E18: Why Wishing, Hoping and Praying will blow your trading account?

WISHING, HOPING, AND PRAYING https://youtu.be/FJzhHnfGTxU Remember earlier we talked about how important it is to be an active winner and loser. In other words, you must act to take profits and act to get out of losing trades. You cannot be passive with the market, and that’s exactly what wishing, hoping, and praying does. It…
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TPS E17: Why revenge trading will end your trading career?

REVENGE TRADING https://youtu.be/zFnQvylmkP0 Revenge trading comes from one thing and one thing only, blaming the market for your loss. But let’s think about this realistically. Who is to blame when you have a loss? Actually I think blame is the wrong word. The question should be who is responsible when you have a loss?  …
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THE WORST MISTAKE YOU CAN MAKE https://youtu.be/GSH5Ebqlx0E I’ve lost count on how many traders I’ve seen this happen to. To be honest, it’s probably happened to almost every trader out there at some time or another. Unfortunately, for many it could be the beginning of the end. As we all know, to be successful at…
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