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How to trade using Runaway Gap Trading Strategy?

How to trade using Runaway Gap Trading Strategy?

Different parts of Runaway Gap Trading Strategy
The Runaway gap means a gap formation in the middle of a trend. Consider a stock is in uptrend already and in the middle of an uptrend, price gap ups. This kind of gap is called Runaway gap. This is a sign of trend continuation. This type of gaps will get filled soon of it is created.

There are three major parts which forms this pattern.
1. Prior uptrend – The market was on uptrend the previous day. Market is already trending
2. Gap up & drop – Price gaps up the next day and after 2-3 candles, price starts dropping towards previous day’s closing price, filling the gap created earlier in the day.
3. Reversal candlestick pattern near previous day’s closing price – Price continue to drop till the previous day’s closing price and Price forms Reversal candlestick pattern near previous day’s closing price. This is the signal for price reversal to the upside. Note, in this case, price may not close the gap fully.

How to trade using Breakaway (or Breakout) Gap Trading Strategy?

How to trade using Breakaway (or Breakout) Gap Trading Strategy?

Different parts of Breakaway (or Breakout) Gap Trading Strategy
The breakaway gap means breaking the important support or resistance or significant trend line in the form of the gap. This generally appears after if there is significant price build up or price consolidation near the support or resistance zone on the previous day.

There are three major parts which forms this pattern.
1. Consolidation – The market consolidates on the previous day, forming tight candles throughout the last hour of the previous day. This consolidation happens near a major support or resistance area.
2. Gap up & Rally – Price gaps up the next day above the consolidation zone or above the resistance area and continue to rally from there. This event had flipped our resistance zone into support zone, so we can call it flip zone.
3. Pullback – After a brief rally, price starts dropping towards the flip zone (previous resistance, which has turned into support now)

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