AFL for detecting move of big players

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AFL for detecting move of big players

It is formula to know the power of big players in the market, based on average weekly volume. You can detect the timing before bullish or bearish period.


BDIn=IIf(C>O, V,0); BDOut=IIf(C< O,V,0);
BDAccW=Sum(BDIn, 5); BDAccM=Sum(BDIn, 21);
BDDistW=Sum( BDout,5); BDDistM=Sum( BDout,21) ;
BDWeek=(BDAccW- BDDistW);

ColorBW=IIf( BDWeek>O, colorBrightGreen ,colorRed) ;

Plot(BDWeek, “BDWk”,colorBW, styleHistogram| styleThick) ;

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