AFL for JNSAR Strategy

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AFL for JNSAR Strategy

JNSAR is a number based on market’s strength and weakness as well as the balance of demand and supply. Whatever the number may be, a choppy market could whipsaw the number occasionally to shake off your confidence in them. However, staying with one method brings you consistent winnings.



Plot( C, “Close”, ParamColor(“Color”, colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle(“Style”) | GetPriceStyle() );

Period = Param(“Length”,5,5,100,1);

// JNSAR = (5 days HEma+5Days CEma+5Days LEma)/15

isum = (Sum(ema(High,Period),Period) + Sum(ema(Low,Period),period) + Sum(ema(Close,Period),period));

jnsar = round(isum/15);

buy = Cross(Close, jnsar);
sell =Cross(jnsar,Close);

Short = Sell;
Cover = Buy;

color = IIf(C>jnsar,colorGreen,colorRed);




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