AFL for Money Flow Index (MFI)

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AFL for Money Flow Index (MFI)

The money flow index (MFI) is an oscillator that ranges from 0 to 100. It is used to show the money flow (an approximation of the dollar value of a day’s trading) over several days.



periods = Param(“Periods”, 14, 1, 200, 1);
Levelup = Param(“Level up”,80,1,100,1);
Leveldown = Param(“Level down”,20,1,100,1);

z = MFI(periods);

LineColor = ParamColor(“Line Color”, colorLightBlue );
LineStyle = ParamStyle(“Line Style”, styleLine);
LevelupColor = ParamColor(“Overbought Color”,colorRed);
LeveldownColor = ParamColor(“Oversold Color”,colorGreen);

Plot(z, “MFI (” + periods + “)”, LineColor , LineStyle);
Plot(Levelup,”Level UP “,LevelupColor,styleDashed);
Plot(Leveldown,”Level Down”,LeveldownColor,styleDashed);
PlotOHLC(z,z,50,z,””,IIf(z>50, LevelupColor, LeveldownColor), styleCloud | styleNoLabel | styleClipMinMax, Leveldown, Levelup);

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