AFL for Pullback Strategy

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AFL for Pullback Strategy

Pullback strategy with buy and sell signal.This strategy uses 50 SMA and 8 period RSI.


C1 = L <= LLV(L,5);
C2 = C >= H-((H-L)*0.25);
C3 = C > MA(C,50);
C4 = RSI(8) >= 50 ;

Buy = C1 AND C2 AND C3 AND C4 ;

C5 = H>= HHV(H,5);
C6 = C <= L+((H-L)*0.25);
C7 = C < MA(C,50);
C8 = RSI(8) <= 50 ;

Sell = C5 AND C6 AND C7 AND C8 ;

Filter = Buy OR Sell;

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