Amibroker AFL code for ATR Study

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Amibroker AFL code for ATR Study:


// Formula Name: ATR Study
// For more scripts, visit:
// ATR Study:

Exclude = MA(V,50)<200 ;
MaxGraph = 12;
Graph0 = C;
Graph0Color = 1;
Graph0Style = 64;

BuyOffSet = 18;//Optimize(“BuyOffSet”,18,15,20,1);
SellOffset = BuyOffSet;//Optimize(“SellOffset”,2,2,14,2);
RegLength = 5;//Optimize(“RegLength”,5, 2,11,2);
BuyATRPeriod = 2;//Optimize(“BuyATRPeriod”,2,2,5,1);
SellATRPeriod = BuyATRPeriod;//Optimize(“SellATRPeriod”,4,2,11,2);
ATRMultiplier = 1;//Optimize(“ATRMultiplier”,1,0.7,1.25,.05);

Graph8 = HHV(H-ATRMultiplier*ATR(BuyATRPeriod),BuyOffset); /* RED */
Graph9 = LLV(L+ATRMultiplier*ATR(SellATRPeriod),SellOffset); /* GREEN */

Graph8Style=Graph9Style = 5;
Graph9Color= 5; /* 5 is green */
Graph8Color = 4; /* 4 is red */

ticker = 0.0;//Optimize(“Tickerk”,0,0,1,0.125);

Buy = Cross(C,Graph8) AND C>Graph9 AND LinRegSlope(EMA(C,17),2)>0;
Sell = Cross(Graph8,C) AND LinRegSlope(C,2)<0;
Buy = ExRem(Buy,Sell);
Sell = ExRem(Sell,Buy);
BuyStop = Ref(Graph8,-1)+ ticker;
BuyPrice = Max(BuyStop,Low);
SellStop= Ref(Graph8,-1); //IIf(Cross(Graph8,C),Ref(Graph8,-1),0);
SellPrice = Min( SellStop, High )- ticker;


Filter= (Buy OR Sell) ;
NumColumns = 8;
Column0 = IIf(Buy==1,1,IIf(Sell==1,-1,0) );
Column0Format = 1.0;
Column0Name = “Long/Sell”;
Column1 = C;
Column1Name = “Close “;
Column1Format = 1.2;
Column2 = MA(V,17);
Column2Name = “17 Ma Vol “;
Column2Format = 1.0;
Column3 = MA(C,17)/MA(C,50);
Column3Name = “% 17/50 “;
Column3Format = 1.2;
Column3Format = 1.2;
Column4= MA(C,17);
Column4Name=”17 C ma”;
Column4Format = 1.2;
Column5= MA(C,50);
Column5Name=”50 C ma”;
Column5Format = 1.2;

Column6= BuyPrice;
Column6Format = 1.2;
Column7= SellPrice;
Column7Format = 1.2;

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