Amibroker AFL code for Bollinger Band Gap:
// Formula Name: Bollinger Band Gap
// For more scripts, visit:
// BbandGap – How to Make Money Shorting Stocks in Up and Down Markets
fClose = Ref(C,-1);
fHigh = Ref(H,-1);
fLow = Ref(L,-1);
fAdvDrop = fClose – Ref(C,-2);
fAtr = Ref(ATR(8),-1);
diffHl = fHigh-fLow;
fStoch = Ref(StochD(14),-1);
fOpenCond = fClose – 0.5 * fAtr;
fOpen = Ref(O,0);
fStopLoss = fHigh + 0.5 * fAtr;
bbTopSell =
// The stock must first puncture and close outside (above) the upper Bollinger Band
IIf( fClose > fBBandTop AND
// The closer the closing price is to the high of the day, the better.
fClose > (fLow + 0.75 * diffHL ) AND
// And the bigger the day’s advance, the better
fAdvDrop > (1.5 * fAtr) AND
// On the following day, the stock must ‘gap’ down below the prior day’s close.
// This ‘gap down’ is crucial as it serves as the most important criteria of
// the entire strategy.
fOpen < fOpenCond AND
// Overbought condition added
fStoch > 80, 1, 0 );
/* Exploration Columns for Sorting */
NumColumns = 10;
Column0 = fOpen;
Column1 = fOpenCond;
Column2 = fStopLoss;
Column0Name = “Open”;
Column1Name = “OpenCond”;
Column2Name = “StopLoss”;
Column0Format = 1.2;
Column1Format = 1.2;
Column2Format = 1.2;
Filter = bbTopSell == 1;
Buy = 0;
Sell = bbTopSell>0;