Script: _SECTION_BEGIN(“StochRSI”); RSIperiods = Param( “RSIperiods”, 10, 1, 100, 1 ); Stochperiods = Param( “Stochperiods”, 10, 1, 100, 1 ); sep = ParamList( “Separator Interval”, “Day|Week|Month|Year”, 0 ); Kperiods = Param( “Kperiods”, 3, 1, 50, 1 ); Dperiods = Param( “Dperiods”, 3, 1, 50, 1 ); OBthreshold = Param( “OBthreshold”, 80, 55, 100, 5 ); OSthreshold = Param( “OSthreshold”, 20, 0, 50, 5 ); switch( sep ) { case “Day”: dn = Day(); dn1 = inDaily; break; case “Week”: dw = DayOfWeek(); newWeek = dw < Ref( dw, -1 );; newYear = Year() != Ref( Year(), -1 ); dn = weekNumber = Sum( newWeek, BarsSince( newYear ) + 1 ); dn1 = inWeekly; break; case “Month”: dn = Month(); dn1 = inMonthly; break; case “Year”: dn = Year(); dn1 = inYearly; break; } separator = dn != Ref( dn, -1 ); Plot( separator, “”, colorDarkBlue, styleHistogram | styleOwnScale | styleNoLabel | styleNoRescale, 0, 1, 0, -2, 5 ); TheRSI = RSI( RSIperiods ); llRSI = LLV( TheRSI, Stochperiods ); hhRSI = HHV( TheRSI, Stochperiods ); StochasticRSI = 100 * ( ( TheRSI – llRSI ) / ( hhRSI – llRSI + 0.00001 ) ); StocK_rsi = MA( StochasticRSI, Kperiods ); StocD_rsi = MA( StocK_rsi, Dperiods ); Plot( StocK_rsi, “StochK(” + Kperiods + “) of RSI(” + RSIperiods + “)”, colorRed, styleLine | styleThick ); Plot( StocD_rsi, “StochD(” + Dperiods + “) of RSI(” + RSIperiods + “)”, colorBlue, styleDashed | styleThick ); PlotGrid( OBthreshold, colorRed, 1 ); PlotGrid( OSthreshold, colorGreen, 1 ); _SECTION_END();